7 Security Tips to Increase Your Business’ Interior Security

Interior Security | BTV SystemsAccording to the most recent FBI statistics on burglary and property crimes, a burglary occurs every 14.6 seconds in the United States. In the South, the region where BTV Systems has become a trusted partner for many companies, there are approximately 3,450 property crimes for every 100,000 inhabitants, the highest percentage out of all U.S. regions

At BTV Systems, we firmly believe in taking care of our clients. With this in mind, we want to share some interior security tips that will help protect your business from burglary. Most potential criminals considering breaking and entering will be deterred by simple security precautions that won’t cost anything but a few extra minutes at the end of the day. However, the effects of burglary can range from being frustrating to devastating for a business, and we are here to ensure that your building receives maximum protection.

Interior Security Tips

  1. Close all blinds on windows and doors when leaving
  2. Keep valuables away from windows and doors
  3. Keep all high valued items in a locked and fire-proof safe
  4. Keep the interior partially lit at night and over the weekend
  5. Use the chime option on your commercial security system so that you are notified each time a door opens
  6. For retail spaces, ensure there are no blind spots on the floor
  7. Install an access control system and commercial security system

BTV Systems’ Approach to Commercial Security Systems

Our commercial security system is designed according to your business’ specific needs and accounts for the following security threats:

  • Security and research on crime levels in your area
  • Which areas need protection and at what level
  • How the system will be accessed

Ultimately, your system will be designed to become part of your everyday work life and not hinder your operations in any way.

Taking Steps to Ensure Your Business is Secure

If your business could use a security upgrade or you don’t have any security system in place, we want to help you understand your options and provide a way to make your business safe. Feel free to request a quote from one of our Business Security Consultants and someone will be in touch with you within 48 hours.